Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA

Coordinator : Lyn Beatty

email: rcia@rgcp.org.au

What is RCIA?

It is the process by which adults become full members of the Catholic Church. It is a gentle, friendly method of developing a relationship with Jesus, and his Church, through the Word of God and of a growing understanding of the traditions of his Church.

  • From mid to late June, we meet one night a week (except for school holidays), until the following Easter.
  • From Advent until Easter we also attend a weekend Mass together.
  • We celebrate various steps during the process, Rites of the Church, which give people the chance to review their decision to continue their faith journey, and help to prepare them for a deeper relationship with Christ.
  • Full initiation occurs at the Vigil Mass on Easter Saturday evening.
  • We encourage people to ask questions about the Faith.

Who runs RCIA?

  • A dedicated, enthusiastic and experienced team, many of whom have themselves experienced the RCIA process.
  • Assisted by fellow parishioners who accompany individual enquirers as sponsors.